Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I feel fantastic


The funk is gone, the sky is clear, and I actually ate a PIZZA the other day! It was the best Christmas present ever. Now I can start unpacking and painting, and living in our new house. YEAH!!


jewly said...

Congratulations! I am so glad you are feeling better.

Amber Chappell said...

Yeah! You are such a trooper!

Anonymous said...

YAY! I think this calls for a major junk food party! ;) If you wanna get together and paint...bring it on!

Britt said...

hooray for that day. it is always long in coming.

Christine said...

I am so glad you are alive!! When does this baby make it's appearance?

Wendyrful said...

So glad to see you out and about again! :-) YAY!!!!!!!

Karen said...

So glad you are feeling better. It has been so good to see you around. I look forward to getting to know you better. You are amazing!

erin said...

I'm so glad to hear you're doing better. I've been worried about you! Enjoy food again, and your kids, and unpacking, painting, etc.!!!

JNew said...

yay, glad you're better!

Melissa Stubbs said...

Isn't it so nice when all the puking, nausea, and whatever else stops!!?? Then it's bliss for a while until you get to my stage and the alien inside you won't stop kicking!!! :) So glad you are doing well! Congrats again!

Lisa said...


Kayleen said...

Pizza. . .congratulations! I'm so glad you're back to the land of the living. I've missed you!