Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Satifying your need to know

That's right everybody. If you have an inquiry, this water bottle is ready to satify your thirst for knowledge. My question- what exactly does it mean to satify? Is that like when you sat on someone? Or an event scheduled for Saturday? Perhaps it indicated depression, but I think that would be sad-ify. Actually, it was quite sadifying to me to have this spelling blunder discovered by Richard. I had been obliviously using this water bottle for months.

And who is it that is willing to mass produce and distribute embarrassingly misspelled bottles? That's the best part- The Memphis Public Library System. Honestly, do I laugh or cry?


Quincy Sorensen said...

Laugh! I hope they got a million phone calls over this one . . . but I bet they didn't.

Anonymous said...

Too funny! I would most definately laugh! Were they free? If so, that is probably why! ha ha!

Jenni said...

How funny - I am always catching typos in the HSV times & Madison Spirit and just shake my head. I also laugh every time I hear someone has pleaded (sounds like lead like you lead a horse to water) versus plead (like pencil lead)

Amber Chappell said...

I wonder if Jay Leno would use that on his show. I know it's not a newspaper headline that's spelled incorrectly or badly worded, but its a bit the same, huh? I actually miss the Memphis Library. They had fun story times...well sometimes. We don't have that here.

*Lisa* said...

Made in China!

I have this friend who is living in China and it is HILARIOUS to see the English signs and slogans that they constantly misspell or misinterpret.

I think it's hilarious that you didn't notice ;)

Shaunte' said...

I'm glad I found your blog. Love your cartoon header!