Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Millenium Odyssey

Last weekend my hunk of a husband fixed the hyperdrive on the van. That is to say, he put rainex on the windshield. So now I'm looking forward to rainy days, because when I get going fast enough it looks like this:

Thank you, Han Richard.


Mikey and Mindy said...

Hello Moores, this is Mindy from the ol' Memphis days. I happened upon your blog after I happened upon Chappell's blog after I happened upon Theobald's blog. What a blogging world! I'm trying to get into it all. You guys are entertaining. Good to see you attempted and survived pregnancy number three!


hope said...

LOL!! I love it!!

Laura Judd said...

we laughed hard at that one. I wish MY Impala had hyperdrive

Nick said...

Does this mean you're not a Trekkie anymore?