Tuesday, October 23, 2007

We've been tagged!

Kayleen "tagged" me a long ago, and it is a testament to our friendship that I am finally following through! Here you go!-

4 jobs I have had

1. Full-time nanny for four ADORABLE kids
2. Bursar assistant at Christian Brothers University
3. Closing assistant at Fearnly and Califf Real Estate Law Office
4. ummm... mom? does that count?

4 movies I can watch over and over

1. Sneakers
2. Lord of the Rings (Peter Jackson)
3. Pride and Prejudice (6 hour BBC version)
4. Star Wars, of course

4 places I have lived

1. Anaheim, CA
2. Salt Lake City, UT
3. ummmmm......Memphis, TN
4. Lorton, VA

4. Guilty Pleasures

1. good books that you just can't put down
2. Salt and vinegar chips (yum)
3. Old school video games
4. taking a hot shower until all the hot water in the neighborhood is gone

4 Favorite Foods

1. Breakfast: Everything Bagels, buttered and toasted to perfection
2. Lunch: Cream of Potato soup, with cheese melted on top
3. Dinner: Sarah's legendary Lasagna, secret family recipie
4. snack: Bryer's cookies and cream ice cream

4 websites I visit

1. Photo.net
2. Homestarrunner
3. Ubuntu (linux) help forums
4. Random Blogs

4 places I'd rather be right now

1. enjoying naptime (oh, wait, I am)
2. The Main Library
3. an Iris Symphony concert
4. Hiking the AT in the spring before the bugs are out

4 Books I love:

1. Persuasion, Northanger Abbey, Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility, Emma, Mansfield Park (Jane Austen)
2. East of Eden (Steinbeck)
3. The Tao of Pooh (Benjamin Hoff)
4. The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

4 Things I would like to know I'm learning how to do

1. Stunning photography
2. Play clarinet...better
3. Write something (anything) that won't embarrass me when I re-read it
4. control my temper

4 things I worry about

2. what if the hokey pokey really is what it's all about?
3. It's too quiet. What are Hannah and Sam doing?!
4. Actually, pretty much everything. especially the kids. everything. yep.

4 Happy Moments

1. "Mommy!" and a big hug
2. Sitting in the comfy recliner in front of the warm sunny window, reading, and just..dozing..off...
3. Watching the kids play nicely together
4. Listening to an orchestra warm up

4 things I want to do this year or in the future

1. Get my graduate degree
2. Add a baby to this already crazy family
3. visit freinds
4. finish this post

4 jobs I have had

1. Movie theater grunt
2. Pizza man
3. cage fighting champion
4. Researcher with the U.S. Army's Night Vision Labs

4 movies I can watch over and over

1. Thomas the Tank Engine
2. The Blues Clues Movie
3. Cinderella
4. Veggie Tales: Lord of the Beans

These are the only movies that I have see over and over. For this reason, I know that I CAN watch them repeatedly. Since it is untested, it is possible that my repeated viewing of other movies would prove physically impossible for me.

4 places I have lived

1. Murmfus, TN
2. Bakersfield, CA
3. Provo, UT
4. Lorton, VA

4. Guilty Pleasures

1. Scaring the elderly
2. Faking Tourette Syndrome
3. Biting things
4. Vigorous nose picking

4 Favorite Foods

1. Breakfast: sausage and egg biscuit
2. Lunch: cheese steak
3. Dinner: Sarah's quiche
4. snack: Snoopy fruit snacks

4 websites I visit

1. slashdot.org
2. musicthing.blogspot.com
3. craigslist.org (still waiting for that $100 clavinet posting)
4. www.homestarrunner.com, to help cheer me up after I check craigslist and there are STILL no clavinets for sale in Memphis for under $200

4 places I'd rather be right now

1. out in the electronic music dungeon (our detached garage)
2. in my state-of-the-art mansion on a Lunar colony
3. in Hans Zimmer's modular synth studio
4. 5 years in the future, when I'm done with school, have a job, and there's no longer anything to worry about

4 Books I love:

1. Fourier Optics, by Joseph Goodman
2. the Burle Electro Optics Handbook
3. The Day of the Locust, Nathanael West
4. The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, Douglas Adams

4 Things I would like to know I'm learning how to do

1. Program in C/C++
2. Play bassoon
3. Kill all of the mosquitoes in the world
4. oh yeah, be an electrical engineer

4 things I worry about

2. When will someone claim the pass the Turing test and win the Loebner prize?
3. When will we have consumer-level quantum computers?
4. What if music on the radio never stops sucking?

4 Happy Moments

1. Hearing the kids giggle when I tickle them.
2. Spinning Hannah and Sam in the office chair really fast.
3. eating
4. When I write a program and it works the first time I run it.

4 things I want to do this year or in the future

1. Finish my PhD
2. kill all of the mosquitoes in the world
3. build a harpsichord or clavichord
4. build a modular synthesizer

1 comment:

Kayleen said...

OH YIPPEEEEEE! Can I just say that I haven't laughed so hard in a while... thanks Richard! Sarah, you're a true friend!