Thursday, July 19, 2007

a few moore cute stories

We have started reading the Book of Mormon stories with the kids. Sam participates because afterwards, if you pay attention, you get a scripture treat (a skittle). Anyway, I jokingly asked Sam to pick the story tonight and he started singing (and dancing) chop, chop, chop arms; chop, chop, choooop aaarms!

Hide-and-go-seek is a regular game here. There has been one very serious and necessary change to the rules, though, when playing with Hannah. Instead of yelling "ready or not, here I come!", it is wise to just ask "Are you ready?"

And I have quit cleaning. This is really due to our own safely, actually. Recently the carpet in our apartment has taken to suddenly bursting into flames of molten lava. Or torrents of rushing white-water rapids. Or, rarely, but very scary (try saying that fast) colonies of very tiny belly-tickling monsters. So you never know when you are going to need a couple shirts, a few pillows, some scraps of paper and a couple blankets to get you safely from one room to the next.

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