Friday, April 10, 2009

One Hail-luva afternoon

Really, it was a beautiful springtime day. Except for that half hour or so of hail...and the tornadoes in the neighboring county. It never fails to shock me to be standing outside, without a coat in 60 degree weather, watching chunks of ice fall from the sky. Sam and I collected a few to show Hannah when she got home.


Lisa said...

It was crazy!!

Anonymous said...

We took some great pics ourselves! I admit I think hail storms are kind of cool...just without the damage! :)

Quincy Sorensen said...

I am glad to see the picture. I couldn't believe it when it was happening!

JNew said...

we had some hail too, but nothing that big!

hope said...

That was insanely scary for a few minutes. Skylah kept going to the windows and pulling the curtains open to see the noise. I just kept pulling her back. CRAZY!!

erin said...

Wow, those are huge!!!! What crazy southern weather!!! How are you feeling these days?