Saturday, May 19, 2007

Museum of Modern Art

We bravely took the kids to the Hirschorn Museum of Modern Art. This is the main attraction for Richard and I on the DC Mall, but not so much for the kids. You should have seen the guards shadowing us the whole half hour we were there; it was like having a private tour. Sam would have nothing to do with the stroller (which would have make things much nicer) so in order to stay I had to hold him the whole time. I decided to make it fun by describing the art to the kids and asking them what they thought. They tended to think the ones I liked (simple, with bold colors) were rather boring, but there were a few that Hannah stopped to look at all on her own. After a particularly depressing one I asked Hannah if she felt like giving up; she just shrugged her shoulders and said "no." that's my girl.

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